3rd Jobwalk 2022 Jena

July 5, 2022

Our conclusion about the Jobwalk 2022 in Jena on 9 July 2022

JobWalk Jena Badge

The 3rd jobwalk in Jena took place on July 9, 2022 and Xceptance presented itself at the market place in the heart of Jena. We answered your questions about Xceptance, working at Xceptance as well as explained our job offerings.

We know that it's not easy to apply for job without knowing more about it or the people behind the company in question. That's why Maren, Veronika, Bernd, and Alisa were there for you. Besides all the nice chat we had with our visitors, we handed out fancy goodies and some of you even played Jenga with us.

This year's JobWalk was a real success for us. We saw a lot of interest in our work and company as well as had plenty of interesting conversations. Thanks for visiting us!

Our Booth at the JobWalk 2022

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