20 Years of Software Testing

21 June 2024

Xceptance Celebrates: 20 Years of Successful Software Testing

Specialized in quality assurance and software testing, Xceptance has been shaping the e-commerce industry for 20 years. In June 2024, the company celebrates its anniversary at its three locations in Jena, Erfurt and Cambridge. Since the foundation in 2004, Xceptance has been a synonym for quality in the software sector and operates worldwide.

Xceptance has steady relationships with more than 500 customers, for example in e-commerce, telecommunications, finance or the optical industry, which date back to the company's founding years.

"From our headquarters in Jena we support customers on all continents. If you walk into a shopping mall in Dubai or New York, the majority of brands you see there have already been customers of Xceptance. Many of them are big players in the luxury segment or lifestyle, fashion and sports brands," says co-founder Simone Drill. "The labels' high quality standards for their products meet our vision of a high quality e-commerce presence."

From day one, the founders had a clear concept in mind: to focus on testing - not as a side activity in software development, but as the leading part. In the digital world, the quality of software determines business success or failure.

"Even though Xceptance started with e-commerce, we also gained customers from high-tech industries like medical engineering. Imagine a surgeon performing laser surgery on the eye. This requires absolute trust in the technology, ergo in the software that controls the laser. We support our customers during testing and ensure that everything works as it should work," emphasizes co-founder René Schwietzke. "We are convinced that many people can build software. But only thorough and sophisticated testing guarantees a product that is also reliable and convenient to use."

A major step in the company's history was the founding of the US-subsidiary Xceptance Inc. in 2006, which established the company on the American market and strengthens the relationship to customers based there. Still, the company's basis is the same on both continents: team spirit.

"The core values of Xceptance, such as a cooperative interaction with our customers, an appreciative working environment and continuous improvement, have been important to us from the very beginning. We have actively cultivated them and continue to do so," says co-founder Ronny Vogel. "We support our customers in their software projects with the proper mix of technology expertise and testing experience. At the same we are a reliable employer for 50 people at our three locations in Jena, Erfurt and Cambridge. This makes us grateful and proud. We appreciate this success and we would like to spread some of our gained knowledge." That’s why Xceptance is involved in the Thuringian universities as sponsor of the e-commerce and digital business courses and gives lectures on quality assurance and testing.

Future plans of the company include the expansion of services in the fields of security and web accessibility. The ambition is to help create digital experiences that benefit all users, regardless of their abilities and to design products in a way that will be effective, efficient, and user-friendly

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Under the title 'More Than Just Trial and Error – The Complex World of Software Testing,' we provide insights into the challenges and importance of software testing.

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