SaaS for Load Testing, Synthetic Monitoring, and (upcoming) Test Automation
What is XTC?
Our commercial SaaS Offering for Performance Testing and Monitoring
XTC allows you to be ahead of performance and stability issues by using a centralized testing platform that offers fine-grained control, maximum scale, and a unique monitoring approach.

A Unique Approach
Use a test automation-based approach to building your monitoring scenarios. Establish sensors for performance, stability, and correctness. If you can code it, you can monitor it.
Load Testing
Run, Manage, and Share at Scale
A fully scalable, well-designed performance test platform for the full range of testing and management activites. Worldwide locations, unlimited users, roles and permissions, projects to organize tests, and any concurrency you want.
Test Automation
Collect and Evaluate Data
Later this year, XTC will support test automation data collection, evaluation, and alerting as well as extensive diagnostic for Neodymium-based automation.
The Platform At A Glance
All the Standard Features of the Platform
A software platform requires standard features to enable trust, ease of use, and empower its users. XTC delivers all of these key features at no extra cost.
These include support for various project types, the ability to invite users from other organizations as guests, and flexible sign-in management options, among others.

Organizations and projects are the backbone of XTC's role and permission concept. Invite people on the platform to your organization and project. They are external? Make them a guest.
Easy and secure access. XTC offers SSO, 2FA, and enforcement of login rules. Full auditing keeps all actor behavior under supervision.
XTC is hosted on the Google Cloud within European datacenters. Project types, such as load testing, also offer access to cloud machines at different providers.
Advanced Synthetic Monitoring
XTC Monitoring combines the concepts test automation and monitoring. Keep an eye on correctness, stability, and performance. It has been designed to monitor websites and web applications, APIs, and aspects of the user experience.
Whether you want control user experience, ensure that third-parties are functional, or aspects of your application, our monitoring has you covered.
If you can write an automation for it, you can monitor it.

Use Cases
A Few Things You Can Do With Our Monitoring
Ping your web application or API frequently and get informed instantly when things get shaky. This can be a complex and eleborate check or a simple request with a runtime check.
You can monitor performance behavior ranges from response times to full page rendering. XTC gives you access to Web Vital metrics as sensor input.
Ensure that all functionality of your web application is behaving as designed such as login, password reset, ordering, search, and much more. Fetch custom data and evaluate it based on your own rules.
You can monitor any API including but not limited to full functional flows. Because tests are code, you can also utilize APIs to fetch more details about your system to aid diagnostics or monitor its state. You can even trigger other APIs for custom behavior.
Just To Mention a Few Features
Fine Grained Alerting
Configure fine-grained notifications via email, text, and Slack. You can also pause notifications for a set duration.
Users can disable notifications when they are on vacation or off-duty.
Notifications can be sent very targeted based on the reason and time of the day.

The Single Source Of Truth
All tests are code and all tests are maintained in your source repository. You can work with branches and automatically switch between monitored versions.
Everything is fetched and compiled freshly to ensure up to date test executions. You can design, test, run, and debug all tests locally in your preferred IDE!
Real Browsers
More Than Just a Plain HTTP GET
You can use a real webbrowser for monitoring such as Chrome and drive it with test automation. XTC makes performance data available and takes care of the environments.
Do you require a mobile view? Use the Chrome device emulation.

Test Cases
Your Monitoring Scenarios And Definitions
Most monitoring definitions are plain and simple test cases you would also use for automation. You can add additional external properties to control the flow or behavior, inject data, or verification points.
Along the source code is the test execution definition that includes scheduling, notifications, quality sensors, execution locations, and much more.
Monitor from World-Wide Locations
When needed, monitoring can be performed from many geographical locations. AWS and GCP datacenter locations are supported.
Test scenarios can be exclusivly executed in certain locations or adjust their behavior based on a location.

Test As Needed
XTC supports scheduling from every minute to once every 24 hours. In addition, you can define when a reexecution is appropriate when the previous execution failed.
Quality Sensors
Detailed Alarming and Notifications
The quality sensor concept permits to setup alarming based on failure type, criteria such as runtimes, and time of the day. Each sensor can target several notification lists. Sensor can be paused individually.
Sensors have an order. This permits to avoid unspecific alarms because a previous sensor can determine that all following data is void and should trigger more notifications.

Diagnostic Information and Historical Data
XTC provides detailed diagnostic information, helping you quickly identify and fix issues affecting site performance, stability, or functionality.
The result browser will list all communication details and display a screenshot when available. This applies to real browser tests as well as any API test.
Load and Performance Testing
Manage Performance Testing at Scale
XTC gives you a platform to run one or many independent load test projects. You can invite others to join you and control their access to data and functionality. Share reports with others who might not have an account quickly.
You can deploy your tests across the globe easily, get instant insights into a running test, and create and recreate reports at any time, and filter data. All XLT features at your fingertip.
An API permits the integration into other tooling and allows to extend the reach of testing.

The Most Noticeable Features That Make A Difference
Real Time Errors
See Into Your Running Test Easily
You can see test failures in realtime. Any assertion you defined, any assertion that is automatically raised is communicated in an instant. This allows quick decisions and helps to address test inefficiencies and setup problems.
A filter gives you easy access to other time periods. This feature goes hand in hand with the ability to get a test report created at any time. Tests don't have to be finished to get access to all data.

Live Scenario View
Watch Your Test Scenarios
XTC reports the progress of all your test scenarios including error counts in realtime.
You can see if the planned user numbers are sufficient in an arrival rate model and whether or not just certain scenarios error out or all at once.
Test From All Around The World
XTC gives you access to almost all AWS and Google Cloud datacenters worldwide to run your test from. Agents will be automatically deployed, data uploaded, the test executed, and results downloaded.
We are working constantly on additional datacenter support. If you want to bring your own machines, we have a model for that as well. Bringing dedicated, behind the firewall, agents is an upcoming feature.

Control Load Testing From External
If you want to automate load testing, data archiving, or simply build test execution into your own CICD-pipeline, our API has you covered.
A permission model helps to control access and how much access is desired.
Data Retention
Your Data, Your Call
It is your data, so you determine how long you want to store it. XTC won't delete any data unless you say so. For reports, XTC removes the fully uncompressed version after 180-days unless it is shared, but you can restore it at any time.
We protect your data with an additional soft-delete feature. When you deleted a test, project, or report accidentially, you got 30-days to undelete it. There is no purge or empty the trash feature available purposely.

No High Fences
Your Data, Your Choice
You already own the code and maintain it in your repo. We are not locking you in. You can download all result and report data. You can continue with XLT on your own and continue to use all data, code, and settings. No strings attached.
Document Within Your Project
Documentation is best close to the source. XTC allows to add documentation to your project with a markdown-powered area. In addition, each load test can be commented in a similar fashion and even quickly rated to organize results.

Keep Track of Activities
Ever wondered how data was removed, tests were started, or settings were changed? XTC provides a comprehensive audit trail, allowing administrators to easily verify what actions were taken by whom. Access to this data is restricted to project and organization administrators.
Share Easily and Securily
You can share reports and results either by inviting people to your project and restrict their role to reviewer or you share via secure links.
Secure links are time-limited and can be removed at any time. This is perfect for sharing data with external parties quickly.

Single Source
Your Repository Is The Truth
You never upload test code to the platform. XTC will fetch your test code from your repository. Never have undefined test code anywhere, uploaded by someone sometime. You can define branches, when you want to experiment or try other code.
XTC supports Maven and Gradle as build tools and will always build the project completely. It maintains a dependency cache to speed up the compile cycle.
XTC isolates all environments and never retains any code after test execution.
If needed, for quicker testing and experiments, you can overwrite all test configurations from your repository but never the code!
Plan Ahead
You can plan load test execution ahead of time. The test will run unattended and complete automatically. There is no limit how many tests you can schedule. Schedules can always be adjusted or deleted.

Powerful And Detailed Reports
XTC gives you access to the full power of XLT reports. It will host these reports, create updated reports if needed, provide downloads, and enable sharing with external parties.
You can also select two runs and compare them, resulting in a comparison report that is shareable as well.
Stay Ahead
Manage Your testing
You can manage your tests by providing comments before and after execution, by providing a rating and an evalation of the result. You can also colorize it to group it as well as pin important load tests or results to the dashboard to share it with the team.